We have a new phone number! 903-823-3470
We have a new phone number! 903-823-3470
The 100 Families Alliance of Miller and Bowie Counties, supported by Ground Floor Collective, is a community-led initiative that helps families navigate from crisis to career. By employing the collective impact model, this program engages community partners, trains agencies in collaborative case management, and mobilizes case managers to provide timely support when families face adversity. Visit the 100 Families Website for more information.
While we truly are thankful that readers in our community think about us for donations, unfortunately we do not have much space in our office for additional books. The only exception to this would be small batches of books that are less than 5-years-old in like-new condition that we can use to trade out some of our older or damaged books. We recommend helping stock the Little Free Libraries or checking with other organizations in our area. Also, there are some really fun art projects that can be created with old books, and they can be recycled as well.
While most people think about literacy as reading and language, we operate under a broad definition of literacy that includes anything a person would need to be successful in today's society. In addition to adult basic education (reading, math, etc.), we teach computer literacy, financial literacy, health and wellness, and other important content areas like resume building and workplace competencies. Our main goal is simply to help people find success, and success looks different for each and every student who enters our doors.
While we do have some special programming that includes care for children and teens, it is provided through another organization and for particular programs. Our tutoring and services focus on adult learners. Unfortunately, our small staff and team of volunteers train to work with adults so we would not be the best option for parents looking to find help for their children.
Nothing at all. We work hard to seek out grant funding opportunities so that we can keep our services completely free. If you are interested in coming to the Literacy Council for tutoring, give us a call at 903-255-7733, and we will schedule an appointment for you to come in and meet with a tutor.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Literacy Council, give us a call at 903-823-3470 and schedule a time to speak with the Executive Director.
All that matters to us is what you do today and everyday moving forward.